
Unlocking Opportunities in the Midst of Economic Challenges: Embracing the Gig Economy in South Africa

South Africa is in a bad shape economically at the moment. With stagnant growth and high levels of unemployment, things continue to deteriorate, and the cost of living is on an upward trajectory. Life is becoming more and more difficult with each waking day.

But as cliché as this may sound, every cloud does, indeed, have a silver lining. No matter how bad things may get, there is usually a breakthrough on the other side. One must just learn to be patient, while consistently putting in the work.

The gig economy offers precisely such an opportune moment and has proven that one can go really far in life with discipline and determination. The internet has truly democratized information and taken out the esoteric element of it. No longer is it a hidden entity that can only be accessed just by those who are members of high society. 

The gig economy is a lucrative industry that generates over $204 billion (R3.8 trillion) in gross volume internationally and transportation-based services account for nearly 60% of that. Furthermore, here are some five interesting facts about the economy, according to various research institutions:

1. Workers between the ages of 21 and 38 make up 37% of all full-time independent workers (MBO Partners, 2023).

2.  Independent workers within the age group of 25 to 34 usually get paid around $19 (R360.28) hour on average (Payoneer), while their counterparts in the 55-64 age group, albeit a minority, get to take about $36 (R682.63) per hour.

For further reading on these stats and other related information, click here https://www.symmetrical.ai/blog/gig-economy-statistics#:~:text=The%20gig%20economy%20generates%20%24204,%2Dbased%20services%20comprising%2058%25.

Interestingly, the group of people known as Millennials make up 33% of all freelancers. So there is definitely hope for you as a young South African, irrespective of race, colour, creed, education and background. As such, one can equip oneself  with the right tools and use this to earn a living from all sorts of activities including, but not limited to, social media marketing, content creation, blogging, coding and various forms of ‘hustling’ out there. Here are some ideas to look at to help you get started:

1. Transcription
Transcription jobs pay some decent money. You can survive with what you make, depending on work ethic, availability of network and electricity (because powercuts are a big problem these days).

* https://www.rev.com/freelancers/transcription

* https://gotranscript.com/transcription-jobs

2. Online Surveys
There's some money to be made from online survey jobs. Basically, you'll answer a bunch of questions from companies who are conducting market research on different things.

If you have time, sign up and take these offers. You might get rewarded for it.


3. Chat moderator
The Live Chat function has significantly transformed customer service in the last fifteen (15) years or so. Post-pandemic, more and more companies now prefer this method of communication to engage with their customers https://www.e-moderators.com/en

4. Website review
Companies out there pay a decent buck in order to gain insights about the performance of their websites. Having a user-friendly website that has quality interface is important.

This is where analysis and review of websites comes in. Business owners pay good money to have their websites reviewed by third-party consultants who'll give honest feedback and help the Company to grow. With a good internet communication and the ability to express yourself, you should be able to do this job.

Companies to look at:




5. Content Writing
There are many opportunities available online for content writers. You just have to find what works for you and how best you can maximize that opportunity. If your penmanship is strong, then there's no reason you should starve.




6. Online teaching
In the Far East, there is currently a demand for English teachers, both online and in the physical form. As a South African with a qualification and a stable internet connection, the opportunity to work as a freelancer in this sector comes with many benefits and may even open up more doors in the future. Companies are looking at what we have offer. We just need to be resourceful and show up.

With massive layoffs, people are losing jobs. This is a very sad situation, but on the bright side is that your skills remain with you forever. No one can take that away.


Your skills can still come in handy for you. For people who have technical skills such as artisanry, they can do artisan training. There's always a demand in that field. Try Easy Electrical Solutions https://teeselectrical.co.za/ is one such company that implements SETA-funded artisan training solutions. You can check out their available vacancies here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/try-easy-electrical-solutions-231b24209_electrical-weldingtrades-artisandevelopment-activity-7139527966526533632-AgzN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


Another skill set that is in high demand lately is business mentorship. Some companies are discerning enough to spot hidden gems and make full use of their capacity. Some institutions of higher learning have a programme where their business studies students are connected with external mentors who impart their knowledge and wisdom in the form of coaching.

As a trainer/mentor, you'll be allocated 10 students that you have to coach for one hour every week. At the end of the month, the institution will financially remunerate you for your work. People make decent money from such projects.

The gig economy essentially gives you the freedom to work at your own pace and to control the flow of work. Even more importantly, it allows you the freedom to grow and add other capabilities that might assist you in the execution of your duties. You can upskill yourself by doing accounting services, web design, coding, content marketing etc. The world is basically your oyster, and you can become your own boss, and shape your own fate.

The opportunities are limitless and don’t confine one to a specific thing. With just a smartphone and/or laptop and internet connection, one can get exposed to the world wide web and its gigantic reach. The world is your oyster. Happy festive season. Make productive use of your time and enjoy the holiday season with your family.